Monday, December 9, 2013

The weather here the past few days has been cold and raining lots of rain.
 So I dont spend too much time outside. I get the rabbits and cats fed and go right back in. I dont mind the cold part its just when you add rain to it.......thats when i avoid the outside.

 So I have been having lots of family time and a clean house!
I hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!!

Friday, December 6, 2013


So I have been slacking on posting! I really just have been so busy with the kids and work and then by the time I have time to sit down and breath its already 12 at night! So I am just going to start writing when Gabriel takes his one nap of the day and read all the lovely blogs that I enjoy reading!
Everything is still good around here. Alexander is fully potty trained no more diapers not even at night I am sooooo glad to have that out of the way.....I was honestly about to give up and wait till next year but he surprised me one day by telling me he had to go to the toilet and ever since then he has not gone in his diaper.

 My little munchkin is doing great he will be 11 month old on Christmas day..... He started crawling a month and a half ago....He has his 2 top and 2 bottom teeth and is loving him some real food!

 All 9 cats are doing good..... I have a appointment to get Elf and Prince fixed in a week....then I will be getting Ginger and Minnie fixed because I defiantly don't need any more cats!

 The views around my house are amazing right now all the different colors! I did give up on raking my backyard because every time i had it cleared the next day there would always be more leafs sooooo I am waiting until Feb to get them raked up. 
 Eddie finnaly put up the sand box for the we just have to buy sand for it.
 Defintly needed one with a top because the cats would have thought it was a giant cat box.
 Now I am going to talk about this bi polar weather we have been having. This picture was taken on Tuesday.
 Now this picture was taken today it has been like this the past few month one day I am turning the heater on and one day I am turning the Ac back on this is just crazy!!! 
I hope everyone has a wonderful day! I am going to catch up on some of my fav. blogs before the munchkin wakes up!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Elf and Prince

Prince "Hey mom what ya doing? " 
Elf "Nothing much just trying to find a place to get comfy and relax"
 Prince "Oh that's cool .....I am kind of hungry"
Elf " Ok go in the backyard and eat something"
 Prince "Well I was kind of hoping I could get some milk from you"
Elf "I do not think so you are waayyyyy to old for that"
 Prince " O come on Mom just a little I wont tell Minnie and Ginger! Come back...."
I hope everyone had a wonderful day!!!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Great Thursday

Today I actually woke up before Gabriel it defiantly was nice for a change sleeping in. I got a bit scared at first it being 8:45 and Gabriel had not woken up or made a single noise all night so I jumped out of bed and went into his room to make sure everything was ok which of course it was I guess I woke him up when i opened the door because he was just staring at me and smiling : ) Defiantly a sight I enjoyed seeing first thing in the morning. Maybe tomorrow I will be able to sleep in again : ) 
 I let Wolf and Shadow out today gave them some time on my deck to stretch out and enjoy each others company since neither one got the company of a lady this year.
 As you can tell they missed not having the company of Dots or  Buttercup maybe next year boys : ) 
 While Wolf was hopping around I noticed he needed a good brushing so I got one of the brushes that I use on the cats and brushed him and surprisingly he stayed like this the entire time he gave me a much easier time then the cats.
All that fur! 
Alexander enjoyed interacting with them even though when i first brought Wolf out he ran in the house scared : ) But he quickly learned they were harmless. 
 Garfield was amused by them.
 And so was Nicole but she kept her distance.
Selena was minding her own business relaxing under the peach tree that did not produce a single peach this year! 
And I got this shot of Minnie she is such a beauty. 

I hope everyone had a wonderful day!!!!!

Monday, September 9, 2013


Mornings are one of my favorite parts of the day. Wake up to the beautiful sunlight shining threw the windows . Cooking breakfast and enjoying it with my two boys. Eddie leaves to go to work before we are up so he misses out on the yummy breakfast. But he gets to enjoy it on Sundays.
Today I got my Murray McMurray Hatchery catalog in. They have soooo many choices of chickens. Eddie and I talked about getting some chickens next year since we do have a good amount of space in the backyard and it will be a start to my dream hobby farm. Tomorrow I am going to go threw the catalog and pick some of my favorite chickens out and start planning for next year. What type of chicken is your favorite?  

This is a picture i found on the web it is pretty much what I want my chicken coop to look like. I defiantly cant wait for these plans to start becoming reality! 
Hope everyone had a wonderful day!!!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Rain Yay!

Today we got some much needed rain and along with the rain came cooler weather! Boy was I glad because it has been hotttttt the past two days.
 I bought myself two lovely hanging plants for my front porch it is amazing how much a few flowers make a area look more beautiful and alive.
 One is still waiting to be hung but i love how there are two different color flowers in it : ) Hopefully Eddie will hang it tomorrow.
 And look at the big fellow i found in my backyard today!!!! He belongs to my dad who is staying with us until he can get his financial problems taken care of so I told him as long as his snake does not eat any of my cats or rabbits he can stay also.
 I dont know about you but i prefer my pets with fur : ) But in a way snakes have there own beauty to them but from a distance !
I hope everyone had a wonderful day and I really enjoyed  reading everyone's comments !

Monday, August 26, 2013

Relaxing day

Today was a lovely day spend the day outside with my kiddos. The weather was perfect just to relax and watch Alexander enjoy the outdoors and my little man sitting beside me also enjoying the outdoors! 
 Gabriel turned 7 month old yesterday : ) Time is going by so fast and to think soon he will be crawling then walking!
 I cant wait for the day that Gabriel will be able to play with Alexander. But until then Alexander has fun playing with his cars and Avengers action figures that he always wants to bring outside with him.
 Ginger was also relaxing and enjoying a break from the hot weather. She was very interested in watching Alexander play with his toys.
 Garfield is always by my side when I am outside and inside I can picture the day we move to a new house with a few acres and him tagging along as I take care of the animals on our  farm (crossing my fingers this will happen in 2 years)
 I got this pot 3 years ago and never planted anything in it till this year and I must say I do enjoy seeing the flowers everyday when I go outside!

I hope everyone had a wonderful day!